If you hadn't encountered a problem, it will always be nearly impossible to proffer solution to such an issue if it did arise in the future.
The say "experience is the best teacher". This is true if you chose to open your eyes and observe how things turn around rather than lying helpless with bitter complain only to sing the praise of one who did nearly about little to fix the problem that overwhelmed you.

The Wi-Fi problem I had for the past few days was not of hardware problem no was it software problem. It was something I did as a result of panic which came to me when my Wi-Fi was connected but was not opening web pages. I did several renaming of the Wi-Fi which worked for me most of the time but on this very day, the problem persisted.

On seeing this problem, I went into the second option which is deleting all previous stored Wi-Fi network on my Wi-Fi list. This also worked for me.

But this deleting of stored Wi-Fi networks was the cause of all my problem.


Well, I deleted my active Wi-Fi network without disconnecting from the network. This caused a serious problem for me as every attempt to connect to the network or any other Wi-Fi Network reported an error message "You can not connect to this Wi-Fi Network".

After several days of installing and uninstalling the Wi-Fi adapter software and changing the adapter drive, when trouble shooting failed, I finally got the solution which took less than two minutes.

The solution was simple.

Go to your network setting, Locate Network sharing center and open it.
We are to create a new network connection so you click on Set up a New Connection or Network and then click on "Manually Connect to a Wireless Network". Input the details , that is the User Name and password (Password is the same as Security key and Security type is WPA-2 Personal for Mobile hotspot ) and that should get your PC connected again to your Wireless network
All Easy. If you landed on this page for solution, it means you had gone through a little of what I went through. I'm glad to be of help to you.

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