Growth does not always come with the excitement of Growth. Many times what you find in the reverse is the pain of growth.

Growth comes with pain before it yields excitement. The pain of having to sacrifice pleasure and endure a present discomfort for a future gain,

The pain of having to prepare painstakingly privately, without applauds from anyone,
The pain of doing so much yet without much progress to show for it within a Time frame, especially in a result driven world like ours, Where people are impatient with your process and the seeds you are planting.

They don't care to know how much seed you are planting, they don't care to know How much you are watering your seeds, all they want to see is the harvest and then begin to applaud you and camp around you.

You must be resolute not to measure your growth with the results people are expecting from you.
You must endure the pain of having to be underrated, overlooked and uncelebrated for a season regardless how much you are doing to grow.

For growth is first downwards before it is upwards. The deeper the root, the taller the tree.
Stop validating how much progress you are making with the applauds from people, the results etc all of those are the excitement of Growth.

Embrace the pain of Growth.
Endure it patiently and give it time and soon your profession will be known to all.

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